Sunday 17 April 2011

Twin Atlantic

What do you get when you mix 4 Glaswegian lads with some powerful rock n roll?  Twin Atlantic, that’s what you get.
With their intense live shows, and gargantuan dreams of success, there really is no stopping Twin Atlantic:  "My ambition is so great for this band that I will never be happy until we're one of the big guys," says Sam, lead vocalist and guitar. They’ve played many of the Scottish Festivals, including T in the Park and Rockness, and played the main support slot for the Subways European tour. 
They’ve been likened to rock giants Biffy Clyro, and have received praise from alternative music press Nylon: “These kids are loud!” 
Have a listen: I really like. They are playing Joiners in Southampton on the 12th of May 
Get a ticket:  

Thursday 14 April 2011

'Bi-winning' or ‘Bi-sinning’?

“People say it’s lonely at the top, but I sure like the view.”

Whether we want to or not, we are all aware of Sheen Mania currently sweeping across the world.  His outlandish comments and brazen slams of his ex-boss: Chuck Lorry, Maker of Two and a Half Men have had the world eagerly anticipating what the hell will do next.

Sheen is no stranger to media attention, after making headlines concerning reported alcohol and drug abuse, marital problems and accusations of domestic violence.  Charlie Sheen was the highest paid television actor in the world, getting paid nearly $2 million per episode of the hit show Two and A Half Men.  The question is…has Sheen finally lost it?

Last weekend, Sheen started a UStream web show called “Sheens Korner”.  There have been four episodes thus far, it has made record breaking views and even been watched by the likes of Paris Hilton, via Twitter: “I think I might have tiger blood, and I’m definitely winning, huge ;).  Can’t wait to see Sheens Corner.”

Sheen came back into the spotlight in February 7th after he started appearing on radio shows and rambling on about his boss Chuck Lorry.  This resulted in him being sacked from the hit U.S show due to these vulgar rants. People began to question the state of his mental health.  Producer, Chuck Lorry pulled the plug on the entire show because people were starting to question if again, Charlie Sheen was on drugs.

On the 1st of March Charlie Sheen gave American News show: 20/20 a look inside his home, and his mind.  When questioned if he was still using he replied: “Yeah I am on a drug it’s called Charlie sheen, it’s not available, and if you try it once your face will melt off.”   He was also asked if he remembers the last time he took drugs: “I don’t remember maybe a month, six weeks.”  The interviewer seemed to not believe Sheen, but after the interview had been conducted he took a drugs test and passed.

When asked about the last time he used drugs he replied, “The last time I took drugs I probably took more than anyone else could survive after, I was banging 7 gram rocks and finishing them because that’s how I roll.” The interviewer was shocked and asked Sheen how he could possibly survive after such debauchery, “Because I’m me, I’m different I have a different brain a different heart, I’ve got tiger blood man, Dyeing is for fools”

It is clear that Sheen is not in any way embarrassed of his rock and roll lifestyle, in fact he embraces it with open arms: “of course I’m proud. I exposed people to magic, and to something there never going to see in their boring normal lives.” He has had publicized celebrity support from the like of Sean Penn, Mel Gibson and Colin Farrell. When asked if they have been giving him advice, he said no.  According to Sheen they are all on the same page. His love of partying is something he is very proud of: “yeah what’s not to love, especially when you see how I party man the run up was epic, it made Sinatra, Mick Jagger all of them just look like droopy eyed armless children.” A strong statement if ever there was one.

Although Sheen likes to give off the impression that he is untouchable, and that his he lifestyle is absolutely reasonable, if anything something to be proud of, there is one sore spot for Sheen, the judgmental comments made by his father, Martin Sheen. “He's an extraordinary man," Martin tells Sky News of his son, 45. "He's doing well, we pray for him. If he had cancer, how would we treat him?" adds Martin, who has previously helped his son seek treatment. "This disease of addiction is a form of cancer. You have to have an equal measure of concern and love and lift him up."

When asked about his father’s comments, Sheen got increasingly agitated, and it was clear that there was pain in his eyes, although he was desperately trying to conceal it. “I don’t care if he’s my dad, or some guy down the street or a man who fell out of the sky, I have no interest in his judgment.”

Some find Sheen incredibly insulting.  His mistresses, porn star girlfriends and drug use, the comments that he makes about his overly sized brain and how he is so much more powerful in body and in mind than anyone else.  Is Sheen just looking for a constant rush? He uses drugs; it’s not enough, so he uses more.  Beautiful women are no longer enough so he resorts to porn stars and hookers.  He’s reached the top, so to the trained eye it would be a logical conclusion that he is still not satisfied. He is creating this media storm for his own entertainment, and its working.

Sheen joined twitter on Tuesday evening and by Wednesday his number of followers grew to 748,077, he has broken records with this, and has acquired more followers in one day than Lady Gaga has acquired in 2 years.  His films have been re-run on TV which will have profited Sheen millions in royalties. He is also about to embark on a sold out comedy tour, ‘My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is not an Option.”

I think the answer is, Sheen is without a doubt, “Bi-winning”.  

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Best Summer moment.

This joyous band were on the radio before, and it took me back to one of my favorite moments ever.  Bestival last year, they were just amazing, I remembered I had this video from their beautiful performance, So here it is.
I drew this picture in one of the parks in Southampton.  All winter I have felt like Southampton is a bit of a dump, to be honest, but when the sun comes out it seems like a totally different place.  I wish I was there at the moment instead of being in crappy Trowbridge. 

Monday 11 April 2011

Love Will Tear Us Apart. 

I really like this man. 

Burn slow, burning up the back wall
long roads, where the city meets the sky
most days, most days stay the sole same
please stay, for this fear it will not die