Saturday 21 April 2012

ALBUM REVIEW: Oberhofer: 'Time Capsules II'

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Oberhofer is a band made up of four musicians, three of which are fundamentally minions (meant in the politest sense) to Brad Oberhofer,sole lyricist and clear victim of a severe case of teenage heartbreak. After their EP – ‘oOOoOOo’ was released back in 2010, they became one of The Hype Machines most blogged about artists, but remained puzzlingly unsigned until they were picked up by independent record label Glassnoteand this is their stunning debut.

Brad is sickeningly only 19 and originally from Tacoma, but is currently residing in Washington DC studying music! ‘HEART’ is titled aptly, it opens with a nostalgic classical piano piece that sounds like an intro to your favourite childhood film –each key tugging at those heartstrings. This is emotionally charged music - and not for anyone without romantic persuasion. There are hints of Animal Collective/Local Natives, a very promising beginning to the record.

‘Landline’ is another standout moment. It sounds like what the Drums always tried so hard to achieve, but never quite mastered. ‘Away Frm U’ is rich in heart on sleeves lyrics, but then so is the entire album. You wallow with Brad in his heartbreak, but it remains light and soothing. ‘Yr Face’ embodies his childlike innocence and susceptibility to angst only a nineteen year old can feel, “When I saw your face, I knew I was in love right away.”

‘Gold’ conjures up the image of driving down the freeway (let’s pretend were in California, it makes for better imagery than say – Slough) with the wind in your hair in an open top car, summer funnelled into 4.21 minutes. Brad and his love for elongated O’s and his strong vocal style are nothing other than dazzling throughout the album.

The other tracks do merge into each other, but this is not a criticism. It’s a hazy blur of sunny keys, riffs and tones, a melancholy but bright creation. This would make for the perfect ‘lie on your bed and listen to on a wet Sunday afternoon’ album. It’s an ode to a lost love and I hope it receives the kudos and recognition it so rightly deserves.

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