Thursday 1 December 2011

Justice: Album Review: Written for Sonar Magazine

Justice – Audio, Video, Disco
Ed Banger Records

An astounding second album from French duo Justice, made up of Xavier and Gaspard.  After their debut,it was hard to predict which path they would take with their latest creation.  The bizarre thing about Justice is, they are in limbo – a little too rocky for the world of house, and a little too housey for the world of rock.  This is not a criticism. They sit beautifully in the middle and juxtapose a variety of genres together with sophistication and a distinct flair for risk taking. 

Second albums are always tricky, especially if you’re such a critically acclaimed and legendary act. If they were to lose their authenticity and make a ‘dud’ album they would have had a long way to fall. Luckily, its not even luck it’s a work of art, they have absolutely smashed it.

Highlights include ‘Civilisation’ ‘Ohio’ and the title track ‘Audio, video, disco’. Their distinctive French house sound mixed with double necked guitars riffs is smooth, sophisticated and beautifully produced, whilst sticking to their progressive rock/house roots. The lyrics are powerful and poetic and this album pays great homage to 70’s-era progressive rock.

In monster club tracks were set aside what could only be described as fillers.  It was undoubtedly a great record, but Audio, Video, Disco is more of a well thought out package, it’s a lot slicker and eclectic. I expect this will blow dance floors apart the world over, and no doubt have fists pumping for next year’s festival season.  Bravo Justice! You are admired by dance and rock music fans alike, which are two very hard nuts to crack. 

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