Monday 29 October 2012

ALBUM REVIEW: Niki And The Dove - Instinct (Sub Pop)

Originally published at:

What is it about the Swedes and their aptitude to create simply delectable pop music? After coming fifth in the BBC Sound of 2012 poll, the Stockholm duo have gone on to expertly fashion an album that has embodied the status quo perfectly – the omnipresent rebirth of pop (which to many remains a dirty word). Yet it’s back in a manner that isn’t tawdry as the word ‘pop’ does typically connote, this sounds whimsical and anthemic, how true pop music ought to. 
The record borrows strong influences from early 80’s post disco and plays through like a greatest hits album, an extraordinary feat for a debut. After receiving colossal support from Radio One and the music press with singles ‘DJ Ease My Mind’, ‘Tomorrow’, ‘Mother Project ’ and ‘The Fox’ a great deal of hype surrounds the album. It would be fair to say that Niki And The Dove are at their most excellent when going hard, ‘DJ Ease My Mind’ and ‘Tomorrow’ remaining their finest hour, sounding gargantuan, fresh and dazzling. 

Little Dragon produced a superb electro pop record earlier this year, which was also celebrated by the music press and avid music fans, but on the whole their creation did slip under the radar. I hope this album won’t succumb to the same fate, but have a feeling that it shan’t. Their eccentric resonance matched with their interesting and meaningful lyrics, placed over some honeyed melodies and electro majesty are a sure fire winner in my eyes. 

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