Monday 29 October 2012

ALBUM REVIEW: Gallows - Gallows (PIAS)

Originally published at:

The Watford punks are here once again, but are devoid of their iconic front man Frank Carter. He was controversially replaced after their previous album, with Wade MacNeil (from Alexisonfire) who is Canadian. The Gallows were frank (or should I say without Frank) and open when interviewed and made no apologies, stating that this chop and change was a vital milestone in their evolvement and an exciting challenge for the band.
Lead single ‘Last June’ whet the appetites of Gallows fans, and for the vast majority, was a promising sign from one of Britain’s most important bands. This album is in one word – noise.  Finely tuned, menacingly angry, noise... and it is glorious.
The opener ‘Victim Culture’  begins with some sinister sounding spoken word. The first half of the album is an explosion of anger paired with some indisputably catchy choruses. ‘Outsider Art’ and ‘Vapid Adolescent Blues’ are tracks that are the obvious choices to the cherry pickers amongst us.
‘Gallows’ is different from their previous albums, as that illustrious cockney bravado is gone and with it, so is Frank. All 11 tracks are outstandingly produced, and the record leaves you hungry for more. The Gallows may have morphed into something a little different, but it is hard to fault them. It could have gone so wrong, but they have kept the recipe just right, and with it, added in some new flavours for us to savour. 

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