Monday 29 October 2012

ALBUM REVIEW: The Invisible - Rispah (Ninja Tune)

Originally published at:

After the London trio’s debut self-titled album was Mercury Music Prize nominated back in 2009, a great deal has happened to The Invisible. Front man, Dave Okumu describes the album as a “love letter of grief” following the recent death of his mother. Not only that, but the poor bloke was electrocuted whilst performing a gig in Nigeria this year, an experience that shook him to his very core. Overtones of mortality rear their head constantly on this record, and what they have gone on to create on Rispah, is an artistic and spellbinding manifestation of woe.
This is an instance where the albums back-story is integral to understanding and appreciating the album, animating and making sense of their sharp cornered swerve in sound. The album is partly inspired by traditional spirituals sung at Dave’s mother’s funeral and the hauntingly beautiful songs are sampled throughout.

The pain, tragedy and confusion bleed through every song. ‘Wings’ and ‘Lifeline’ scream Radiohead, but maybe a little too loudly. The Invisible are going down a more interesting path than their debut, alas it’s hard not to miss that happy space pop that characterised their previous LP.  That said, this is a very mature and emotional record that is a fascinating listen. 

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