Monday 29 October 2012

ALBUM REVIEW: Bear In Heaven: I Love You It's Cool' (Dead Oceans)

Originally published at:

The Brooklyn outfit Bear In Heaven are back with their third LP, ‘I Love You, It’s Cool’. It would be an easy and somewhat lazy statement to accuse the trio of simply jumping on a bandwagon with this record, but it deserves much more analysis. After giving the album a generous number of spins, there were only a few tracks that stuck, but when they did, they stuck hard.
Since the debut LP ‘Beast Rest Forth Mouth’ they’ve unapologetically decided to make worshipping at the altar of New Order more of a full time thing. This is not a criticism. That atmospheric shoe gaze sound is still very relevant, as it is becoming more and more apparent that whether we like it or not, synth pop is running miles ahead of guitar music presently.
Opener ‘Idle Heart’ washes 80’s nostalgia over you and brings the drama that their sound commands. ‘‘The Reflection Of You’ is larger-than-life, mixing the perfect blend of emotion and lust served up with synth dream pop, “If you dance with me, I think you will like my moves”.  

‘Noon Moon’ is reminiscent of their debut LP and the song is like a happier version of The Horrors.  It’s refreshing to hear some variety, but Bear In Heaven are at their best with the more clubby tracks. ‘Sinful Nature’ is an instant classic, its chorus soars whilst the tracks intertwined elements snowball spectacularly into the best track on the album.
This is an album that is more than enjoyable to listen to the full way through. Unlike their shoe gaze counterparts Neon Indian – this album keeps focus and is careful not to go off on some obscure tangent half way through. So what they are drawing inspiration from early 90’s British music, what better place to draw inspiration from? This record, although not completely consistent, does set Bear In Heaven apart from all the other wannabe hacks. 

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