Monday 29 October 2012

ALBUM REVIEW: Tame Impala - Lonerism (Modular)

Originally published at:

Lazy and irritating Beatles/John Lennon comparisons swiftly pushed aside – ‘Lonerism,’ Perth quintet Tame Impala’s second LP, marks two very long years since their debut ‘InnerSpeaker’. 
Frontman  Kevin Parker’s inspiration for ‘Lonerism’ was his new found unease with being forced into an array of uncomfortable social situations whilst the band were touring their last album, something that is communicated persistently both lyrically and melodically with the  constant fading in and out and. 
Not many bands could get away with this sort of ‘vibe’ without seeming like absolute hacks.  If it weren’t for Tame Impala’s incredibly high standard of imaginative and interesting music, they wouldn’t either. 
Opener ‘Be Above It’ is their signature psychedelic- rock. ‘Apocalypse Dream’ which was the B-side to lead single ‘Elephants’ is remarkable, you can almost see the sun shining of the guitars in your mind’s eye, “Am I getting closer?/Will I ever get there? /Does it even matter? Do I really matter?”. It’s swooning dream pop in the fullest meaning of the phrase, a Kaleidoscope of sunshine.   
‘Why Won’t They Talk To Me?’ is a heavily layered, heart on sleeve beauty of a song, one that will remain in your head afterwards and makes you feel all warm inside.  The same can be said for ‘Feels Like We Only Go Backwards’ which takes you to incredibly spacey heights. 

‘Elephant’ is an obvious lead single. That riff sounds iconic and is even more crisp ecstasy added to an unfaultable album.  This record in its entirety transports you from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, to somewhere completely different. 
There seems to be no stopping Tame Impala, who just keep improving and getting more and more refined. One criticism of ‘Lonerism’? It is almost too good, too exciting, too enthralling. It makes you need to sit down with its giddy brilliance, and just take a breath. 

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