Monday 11 February 2013

ALBUM REVIEW: Lord Huron - Lonesome Dreams (PIAS)

Originally published at Middle Boop Mag:

Ben Schneider is the think tank behind his beautiful band Lord Huron. Lonesome Dreams is the title of their debut LP, and is much more than just music, with an accompanying artistic package comprised of ‘imagined novels’ by fictional author George Rayner Johnson and a number of short films. In Schneider’s own words he has used these extra components to create, “a world with its own mythology.”
The record pays loving homage to dusty deserts and cowboy melancholia. Each song unfolds into an almost screenplay type format, remaining retiring and ever so heartfelt throughout. ‘Ends of the Earth’ is a steadfast opener, overflowing with an innocent longing for life’s simple pleasures and rural reclusion accompanied with Technicolor harmonies. “To the ends to the ends, would you follow me?”

‘The Ghost On The Shore’ and ‘Lullaby’ swoon through with their sweeping Americana styled sound, and Schneider’ Michigan twang only compliments the overall package further. Lord Huron’s sound is very similar to that of Fleet Foxes, but overall with a bit more umph and is slightly more relatable lyrically. 
As the albums artwork denotes, what you see is very much what you get: a fleeting moment in time, where the very essence of a feeling is encapsulated from a very personal place. You can almost smell the heat, and feel the wind as you listen. Lonesome Dreams is a truly magical album from not just a musician or a band: but true artists in every sense of the word.

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