Friday 15 March 2013

ALBUM REVIEW: Hurts - Exile

Originally published at Gigwise:

Hurts' debut album Happiness saw the Manchester duo experience reasonable success in the UK - but build a huge fanbase in Europe, where their slick image and ice-cold synth sounds hit home with continental music fans. With a cameo from Kylie Minogue and production expertise from the likes of The Nexus they fully deserved the success they achieved with Happiness. But does Exile live up to expectations?
Opener ‘Exile’ could be mistaken for a Muse track, while Lead single ‘Miracle’ is an instant anthem, with its lofty chorus and raw lyrics you can’t help but to click repeat.
‘Sandman’ is a tricky one, while the concept of the song (in which the sandman, y’know the man who comes in the night and sprinkles sand in your eyes) is threatened by Hutchcraft, “He will be sorry when he comes to my house, I’ll show no mercy till the lights go out”. It’s obviously a metaphor, or is it? Absurdity aside, the track unfolds into one of the best on the album.

Other highlights include ‘Only You’, ‘Cupid’ and the amazing ‘The Crow’. ‘Blind’ is another awkward one, where Hutchcraft begs an ex-girlfriend to cut out his eyes and leave him blind as he can’t stand to see her happy, be it alone or with someone else. Ex from hell? Yet again though, a mad notion that is somehow flipped on its head, and actually turns out to be startlingly good.
Exile remains powerful, polished and refined, but doesn’t quite reach the heights of their debut. Think back to ‘Wonderful Life’, ‘Stay’ and ‘Blood Tears and Gold’. Not one of Exile’s tracks is nearly to that standard. It’s certainly not dreadful, but it isn’t a progression, and if anything it’s a slight and disappointing dip in Hurts’ proceedings.

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