Tuesday 21 May 2013

ALBUM REVIEW: Lou Doillon - Places

French Lou Doillon is the daughter of British singer Jane Birkin, having won the genetic lottery (that jaw line...wow) it seems Doillon has now decided to turn her hand to making music. Already a model for the likes of Givenchy and GAP and an accomplished actress, let’s just hope that Places isn't another one of those irritating ‘I want to be a singer now’ flash- in –the- pans of an album.

The offspring of ‘famous people’ are, for the most part a rather irksome commodity (think Paris Hilton, Peaches Geldof and Nicole Richie, for instance).  Many go as far as to actually resent them, as their stature is merely inherited, nevertheless, there is always that intrigue that that platform creates, are they any good? Do they actually have any talent of their own?

Her voice is undeniably strong and atmospheric, perfectly matching her mystique. It has a very classicist allure to it with its own personal charm. Opener and lead single ‘ICU’ is a song which Doillon explains she wrote when , ‘desperately in love with someone that I hadn't seen and that I never saw again in my life’. Sounds a little scary, right? It is however a very bluesy, laid-back track that echoes slightly of Al Greens’ more sombre moments.

Places overall is sadly rather samey, it is like a similar, mediocre idea that has just repeated on every track, leaving an overall stale result, missing a certain chutzpah or gens quoi. Cafe background music , sure, but for a debut, something a little louder and more colourful added into the mix would have been wonderful.

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